Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

One weird thing about me to add


I can’t believe I left this one out of my list of 6. Perhaps I do it so much (even Steve has started doing it) that it has begun to seem normal. I was reminded of it during our home study tonight when I did it in front of the social worker. Thankfully, since I’m a social worker, I wasn’t overly paranoid so I just let it pass and didn’t try to explain my weird behavior. So, I must add a seventh item to my list of weird.

7. I talk for the dog. No, I don’t mean I talk TO the dog (I do that too but so do all of you)…I talk FOR the dog. I make the comments I think he would make if he was capable of speaking (and capable of the thought required to be a smart ass). Steve will play with him and I’ll say (in the Angus voice – yes, Angus has his own voice) “Gee Dad, way to you go, you out smarted the puppy.” Or I’ll ask if he wants to go out and reply to myself, in the puppy voice, “Well duh Mom, what do you think I’ve been whining about for the past 15 minutes?” I supply a running commentary from the dog’s point of view for whatever is going on in our house. Steve has even started doing it – my weirdness is apparently contageous.

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