Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Why should you be spared?


Since I’m bothering random strangers, you too are to be subjected to pictures of our daughter often. No, these aren’t new…but I didn’t post them here before. I love this one with her little hand up by her face.


And because I’ve had private discussions with people who have all admitted they shared the fear of not thinking their baby was beautiful in his/her referral photos, I give you a couple of photos when Sabrina was several hours old. She became much prettier in just a weeks time. I think that is probably true of most babies. Yes, it is shallow to worry about being referred an ugly baby but if most of us were honest, we did at least have a passing thought about that. I know we thought about it. We knew we would love her no matter what and we didn’t spend much time dwelling on it…but most of us think about it at least a little.



And how cute is my hubby? He called me from work on Tuesday and said “Can we go to Target tonight? I need a new frame for my desk.” He keeps almost nothing personal on his desk at work – only one photo of me. But he wanted to add a photo of Sabrina so he could look at both of his “girls” during the day.

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