Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

I was a bitch today and it felt good!


The woman who led the charge against my project at the conference yesterday was present at an all day retreat/meeting today. First let me say, she has issues. BIG issues. Mental health issues. Seriously – DSM diagnosed, not just me hating on her. She asked me this morning “So what did you think of yesterday’s discussion?” I told her it wasn’t the time or the place to discuss it (there were many other people present) and to call me next week if she wanted to discuss it. I only spoke to her if she addressed me directly. I answered all of her questions in as few words as possible. Someone said “Congrats on the baby” (because of course anyone who stood still in my presence for more than 30 seconds saw her photo) and this woman said “Oh are you pregnant?” I simply told her no. Being passive agressive is so immature but it feels so good sometimes when you can’t really confront the person.

If we were still in high school? I would have totally spread rumors about her so no one else would talk to her and she would have ended up crying in the bathroom.

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