Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



It is starting already.  My mom is asking about plans for Thanksgiving.  She wants to know if she can cook something.  She wants to know “what the plan is”.  I have no plan.  Thanksgiving isn’t at my house so I’m not worried about the ‘plan’.  I know that I will make the stuffing (because I insist on doing it) and the sweet potato soufflé (which I think is gross but everyone else loves).  I might make some other things.  I might not.  My sister in law will make the pies.  The guys will deep fry the turkey.  Otherwise no plan is in place.

My mother has asked for Christmas gift ideas.  She wants to have her shopping done by Thanksgiving so she can bring her gifts with her and not worry about mailing them in December.  My mother in law is actually a little late this year in sending out her request for our Christmas lists.  My mailbox has begun producing catalogs at an alarming rate.  A co-worker brought in her kids fundraiser sheet – they are selling cookie dough among other things.  My first thought was I could buy a couple to supplement my Christmas cookies. 

All of this means the holidays are approaching.  How has it started creeping into my thoughts before Halloween even arrives?  I haven’t even decided if I am going to carve a pumpkin yet I’m already wondering where the tree will fit this year.  I’m not one for extending the holidays – I refuse to put my tree up before Dec 1st and it has to be down by Dec 31st.  But they (I don’t know who they are…maybe the same they from X-Files?) have started their campaign to make me think about it already.  Do you know I bought Christmas cards 2 weeks ago? Because they were on sale and cute.  I am ashamed.  It’s not even Halloween yet and by thinking about it and purchasing cards for it I am encouraging them to continue encroaching on October with their holiday crap.  

Aside from my early thoughts about the holiday season, I’m anticipating it will be an odd one this year in our house.  Between Thanksgiving and Christmas we will be going to Guatemala to meet Sabrina.  I know nothing will ever be the same again – but at home nothing will have changed yet. 

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