Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



Alleen has tagged me to tell you all what is in my purse.  Figured I might as well show you (couldn’t sleep anyway).

dsc00905.JPG Here is my purse.

dsc00908.JPG An envelope of Sabrina photos in case anyone shows the slightest interest.

dsc00909.JPG Wallet, checkbook and cell phone.

dsc00910.JPG All sorts of lists and receipts floating around.

dsc00911.JPG Work ID, smashed granola bar circa 1998, mint, mini suckers from last Halloween, matches, a lighter, 6 pens (so why can’t I ever find one?), and listerine strips.

dsc00912.JPGAn Ikea gift card, Marshall’s gift card, reward cards from a dozen stores that I can never find when I am in the store, 3 kinds of chap stick, Lancome lipstick Truly, nail files, mirror, advil, Tide stick, wet wipes I stole from a restaurant, my business cards, and some crystal light peach iced tea mix.

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