Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

6 days


I can think of little beyond our upcoming visit.  The couple of brain cells left over are thinking about work.  I just have to get through work today and tomorrow.  Over the weekend, I will pack 2 suitcases for myself – one for DC and one for Guatemala.  Saturday we are attending a little holiday dinner with some extended family.  Otherwise, I am free to sleep and pack.  I haven’t been sleeping well.  It looks like Steve has been punching me in the face because my normal dark circles now look like baggy bruises.  So Friday night and Saturday night I will be self-medicating with Tylenol PM.  Monday morning I will leave for DC.  I have a little anxiety over driving to my conference in DC.  Not because I dislike driving long distances but because I despise traffic in DC.  (If you see a desperate blonde with PA plates, for the love of God, let her merge!)  I printed out directions and there are an insane number of highways and surface roads involved in getting to my “conveniently located” hotel.  I’m hoping I can ditch the rubber chicken dinner early enough to wander down to see the mall at night – supposedly the hotel is less than a mile from it.  Tuesday evening I will return home.  Tuesday night it will be impossible to sleep – although not for reasons related to insomnia.  Wednesday morning at 4:00am we will leave for the airport. 

See how boring I am? We’ve been over all of that before – although in less excruciating detail.  Hello, Department of Redundancy Department.  The only other thing I can think of to mention today is:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS EMMA!  Carla’s little one is 1 today.  And I could tell you about the perfect salads I’ve been making for lunch all week (spring greens, raspberries, pecans, chicken and feta with a light pear vinaigrette) but that would be just plain silly.  I could complain that I have a meeting about a meeting this afternoon.  But that is bureaucracy for you.  I’ll try to have something interesting to say tomorrow.

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