Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Memo to the Head IT Dork


Dear Electronic Knight**:

Yes, we all think you are way cool for naming all of the printers in the building after Star Trek ships but could you possible direct your IT Dork Minions to take their heads out of their butts and fix my computer?  I have told them exactly what the problem is and they continue to ignore me.  Instead they suggest I re-boot (yes, that is the first thing I tried) and they install more memory (great but that’s not what is wrong – that’s like changing the oil in a car because it is out of gas).  Why must you all believe that what you do is so magical and complex that no mere non-dorky mortal could possibly comprehend?  Your big words and acronyms don’t scare me (your choice of shoes with those pants do strike a little fear though) – I’m married to one of you and he interprets for me.  Please just fix my computer!  I’ll be over there eating Christmas cookies until you decide to help a girl out.

The Chick who can’t get anything done at work because it take 3 full minutes to open a new window to write email or save a document

** Sadly, not making this up.  He calls himself the Electronic Knight and has a flash knight on a white stallion in his signature at work.

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