Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Torch is passed


First, I haven’t thanked all of you for the wonderful, kind words about my mommy guilt post. I saw it linked and referred to a few places – it is so awesome to know that not only am I not alone but that I’m in good company! I really needed a few dozen people to tell me to get over myself so that I could stop beating myself up about it.

Remember my post about making my own baby food? I made Sabrina some plum applesause that she thought was pretty good stuff. Well I tried again. My mom brought some meat/veggie combos but she has eaten them all. So I thought I would make some mixed veggies for her. I made green beans, peas and carrots and pureed them. She has eaten them each individually and loved them but my connoction? She HATES it. The faces we get are priceless. I have a video that is too funny but posting video here is a pain so you’ll just have to imagine it. I don’t have a great photo of her faces but this is her trying to swallow some of it:


She is really sweet about it – she tries to eat it but after a few bites she starts gagging.

My sister in law, Krista (aka Aunt Lulu), is leaving in the morning. Sabrina will miss her. Not only does she think Aunt Lulu is pretty darn cool, I think she likes seeing a face other than mine during the day.  I will miss her too – shehas been a big help as well as great company.


I titled my post about passing the torch. My regular readers may recall that I received an anonymous gift a couple of months ago. I had been talking about finally feeling hopeful again because we had begun to see some movement in the adoption process. I had been feeling pretty down prior to that and having hope again was so wonderful. I never did find out who sent me this hope necklace:


But I put it on and said I wouldn’t remove it until we were out of PGN. I ended up keeping it on until we received pink. Tonight, I passed it on to another fostering mom who has had an incredibly rough process and is still stuck. I thought it was fitting that I pass on the hope. She is a strong, funny, warm and wonderful woman and I hope that this necklace brings her some luck and reminds her to hang on to the hope on those dark days when it feels like she can’t keep moving forward. So I trust that my anonymous friend will approve of me passing the hope on.

Tonight was our weekly Friday night dinner at Cafe Sky. For those who haven’t been or who remember it fondly, a photo (keeping it small because I don’t have permission to post photos of those in the picture).


Yes, sometimes I get tired of talking about the process and agencies and poop and sleep but I look forward to these dinners each week. It is a nice reminder that I am not alone in this journey or in Antigua.

And lastly this photo just because it made me laugh. Rather than disturb a long line of mommies and babies, Karen climbed under the table (Cheri and her hubby did it as well but I didn’t snap a photo of them). And no, she doesn’t drink. Ha.


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