Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



Not much to say today. Krista left this morning – it is hard watching people leave! Sabrina has been a bit of a bear the last day and 1/2. She isn’t wanting to eat baby food – only drink bottles. I think her teething might be kicking up a notch (oh the drool). She is taking 20 minute power naps and sleeping very restlessly at night (it is now 11pm and she’s been up 3 times already). She isn’t feverish and besides being whiney due to lack of naps is acting like herself – just a bit less smiley than normal.

What? You want to take a few photos for my adoring public? Okay, I’ll be cute.


Hmmmm…tastes like chicken.


Okay, one super cute smile for everyone out in blog world. And a thank you to Tera for the pretty dress I am wearing today.


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