Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



We spent a quiet day at home today.  We did get out for a walk but that was mostly my attempt to get Sabrina to take a nap.  She’s still fussy, drooling, sticking everything in her mouth, not eating as much, not napping, and generally a bit crabby.  I can’t feel or see any teeth about to pop through but I can’t imagine what else it would be.  She did nap for 1/2 an hour in the stroller while we walked.

Only 11 days until Steve is here – he booked his ticket last night.  WOOHOO!  I have to change my return ticket tomorrow.  I’m struggling to find a non 800 number for Continental so that I can change it (can’t call 800#s from outside of the US).

Krista sent me a link to all of her photos from her visit – she had some great ones!  Here are a couple of Sabrina and I that I liked.




And my favorite


Can you tell she is the photographer in the family?  We all fancy ourselves pretty good at the photo thing but she seems to have the eye.

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