Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

If you were a tree…what kind of tree would you be?


I hate job interviews.  Okay, perhaps I am overstating it a bit.  I mostly look upon them with amused disdain…unless I really need/want the job – then you can throw anxiety in the mix.  No one enjoys them but my major complaint is the questions interviewers ask.  Interviewers that stick to their standard list of questions (which we have all rehearsed answers to on the way to the interview) make me crazy.  Seriously, when you ask someone to name their biggest fault, do you really think they are going to be honest and say that they are chronically late and notoriously good at the bare minimum?  No!  They are going to say something along the lines of “I’m a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes I have to learn that some of the tiny details don’t have to be perfect.”  Or if asked about a time you had a conflict with a co-worker and how did you resolve it, no one is going to say “I anonymously called her boyfriend and told him she was sleeping with a guy at work and then keyed her car.”

The best interview is really a conversation.  It allows you to see the interviewees personality and how that person might fit into the organization.  It also puts the interviewee at ease thereby upping the probability of some spontaneous utterances that weren’t rehearsed in the shower before the interview.

Why do I spend time spewing forth about job interviews?  Because I have one today.  No, no, no, I am not going back to work in the traditional sense.  I simply came across an opportunity that would allow me to work a couple of evenings during the week and a couple of weekends here and there all while making a few bucks and keeping my mommy brain from atrophying past the point of no return.

About 10 days ago, I had the first interview – or audition as they called it.  I have to say it was a much more interesting way to kick off the interview process than any other I’ve ever participated in.  Basically, 9 of us had to each do a 5 minute “how-to” session.  We had to teach something non-physical.  (Mine was How To Start A Blog – ha!  Thanks for the idea Amy – and the reference if they call.)  It was really interesting to watch the presentations.  It gave a decent snapshot of the person and his/her presentation skills.  (I was a little shocked to find that I was the oldest person in the room by at least 8 years. When did that happen?!?)

I got a “call back” and am hoping to find that the more traditional interview is as interesting as the first piece.  Wish me luck!

posted under nashville
14 Comments to

“If you were a tree…what kind of tree would you be?”

  1. On September 17th, 2007 at 12:03 am Jane Says:

    I interviewed in a similar enviornment several years ago. All “interviews” were conducted by (very young) groups of employees. They told me that I wasn’t selected because they thought I had too much education/experience and therefore wouldn’t enjoy their creative ways! Doesn’t that sound so much better than, ‘OMG! You’re old enough to be Tiffany’s mother!’?? Do keep us posted – working a non-traditional job has just been the best thing for me!

  2. On September 17th, 2007 at 5:30 am carla Says:

    this must be the one youd mentioned to me…
    for some reason I had always wanted to do that too—but never even made it past their initial cut-off requirement.

  3. On September 17th, 2007 at 5:36 am Tricia Says:

    Knock em dead, Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. On September 17th, 2007 at 6:31 am Laurie Says:

    I’d hire you, Michelle.

  5. On September 17th, 2007 at 7:40 am Jenny Says:


  6. On September 17th, 2007 at 7:55 am Bobbi Says:

    so, what are you interviewing for??

    I too work two mornings a week. (evenings on vacations). My Aunt watches Reese. He loves it. She spoils him rotten. Then, I work Saturdys as needed. I enjoy getting out a bit. I was home for over 8 years. It was time for something else.

    Good luck. Can’t wait to hear more!

  7. On September 17th, 2007 at 8:42 am Kerri Says:

    Good luck! Can’t wait to hear what this one’s like.

    Kerri and Ruby

  8. On September 17th, 2007 at 9:25 am starfish Says:

    Good Luck! I hate interviews too – on both sides of the desk.

  9. On September 17th, 2007 at 10:05 am Ashley Says:

    I am thinking… HOW FUN… a time where you get to cut off mommy brain and just be! GOOD LUCK

  10. On September 17th, 2007 at 10:15 am Alleen Says:

    Cool!!! I wish I could have the guts to pursue something like that. I wouldn’t mind getting out for a little and earning some $$. Maybe I’d feel less guilty about my shopping habit?

    I can’t wait to hear more about the job, it sounds intriguing.

  11. On September 17th, 2007 at 11:45 am Steph Says:

    That sounds really cool! And I laughed out loud about the “what is your greatest fault” question – it’s been a while since I’ve interviewed for anything, but I always gave the perfectionist answer! Even though I’m FAR from a perfectionist!

  12. On September 17th, 2007 at 2:27 pm Shannon Says:

    HA…I always gave the perfectionist answer too! Although in my case, it’s true. I am a perfectionist. It makes everyone around me bonkers. (or at least, that is what I imagine so as to better describe their stupidity or unwillingness to complete a project!!)

    I am contemplating (only in my head) quitting my job after I get Emily home and going to find something part time. Let me know how it works out. It’s just really hard to find part time work these days, everyone wants to do it, ya know?

  13. On September 17th, 2007 at 2:38 pm karen Says:

    See, sometimes I talk too much but I do agree that just visiting is the best interview. The last one I had for the job I really wanted? I admitted – yes in words! – that I am never on time for my current job. Oh yes I did. Do you think that’s why they didn’t hire me?

  14. On September 17th, 2007 at 9:03 pm Julie P Says:

    I hope the interview went really well.

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