Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Chickenbussing great day!


Sabrina and I had the great honor of meeting Carla, Chris and Emma today!  (Carla, you may recall, was the originator of using chickenbus as a substitute for other non-child friendly words after a chickenbus clipped Emma’s head in the ‘Mala.)  Yes, Carla is every bit as cool in person as in blog world.  And Emma?  The cutest and sweetest whirling dervish I’ve ever met.  I was exhausted just watching her run around while my kid kicked back in the stroller and calmly observed.  Emma was quite taken with Sabrina.  It was so cute watching her hug and kiss Sabrina.  Sabrina wasn’t sure what to think but took it in stride until Emma mistook hug for enthusiastic headlock when we were watching the tigers.  Speaking of tigers – what are tigers doing at the aquarium?

We have been so lucky in meeting stranger friends – not only in number but in that they have all been such great ladies!  Carla – if we lived closer, I would love to hang out regularly.

More on our Houston adventures, with photos, when we arrive home tomorrow evening.  Looking forward to checking out the patting down technique at the Houston airport once they see my expired drivers license!

posted under travel
3 Comments to

“Chickenbussing great day!”

  1. On October 20th, 2007 at 5:14 am carla Says:

    We had SUCH a great time as well.

    Ill email you pics after my writingworkshop weekend.

    TRAVEL SAFELY & kisses (headlocks) for Miss. S

  2. On October 20th, 2007 at 9:10 am Sig Says:

    Oh man, lucky you!!! Glad you had a great time!

  3. On October 20th, 2007 at 1:51 pm Bobbi Says:

    Safe travels! Can’t wait for pictures. How lucky to meet blog friends!

    Finally got around to donation to Sig’s fund. What a great cause and family!!

    You are great to do that.

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