Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Warm & Fuzzy


Thanks for the love.  I can’t imagine how women got through these little emotional crises before the internet.  We made it through Sunday and Monday without needing to supplement so maybe Saturday was a fluke or maybe I overreacted.  Tessa continues to be impossibly unhappy in the evening but otherwise fine.  My main frustration is that just when I seem to get a handle on things she changes the rules again.  So just when I start to have hope for things leveling out she snatches that hope away.  But I am sure that is par for the course so I’m just telling myself that it will start to get easier soon.  I just hope that soon is weeks and not months.  I miss participating in my life instead of just surviving.

posted under parenting
9 Comments to

“Warm & Fuzzy”

  1. On November 4th, 2008 at 6:03 am cass Says:

    That last line could be the title to a self help book. And I’d buy it.

  2. On November 4th, 2008 at 7:56 am mama k Says:

    more (((hugs))) One bottle in 3+ months? It sounds like you are doing great in that department, mama! Really, that is not a failure at all.

    Tiny babies are hard IMO. They just NEED you so much and it’s draining. I started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel at 4 months. 6 months is when I started really feeling better and things got much easier. Hang in there and try and escape for an hour or two on the weekend if you can. Even just a trip to Starbucks ALONE might help a bit.

    Have you heard of probiotics for colic? My cousin’s baby was very very fussy and after a week of giving them to the baby she said she was a much much happier girl. She swears by them. I’m going to ask her what brand she used. I’ve also heard of chiropractic care for colicky babies. They are very gentle with the little ones and just do more pressure points than anything. (Believe me, I am taking notes. I have a list of things to try next time if I get another one like W. It was hell and I just suffered through ’cause I didn’t know what else to do.)

  3. On November 4th, 2008 at 8:09 am Type (little) a Says:

    See? Not so bad.

    Maybe you should talk to her pediatrician. She could just need some cereal. I had grand plans to nurse exclusively for 6-8 months before introducing solids, but my girl was barely 5 months when she was showing signs of being too hungry for just mama milk.

    Or maybe she just didn’t like whatever flavored your milk on Saturday night.

  4. On November 4th, 2008 at 8:15 am Vanessa Says:

    Glad those two days were better! Praying the days get easier and you can participate in life again because i know how hard it is to feel like you’re always in the sidelines and not in the game!

  5. On November 4th, 2008 at 8:54 am Pocklock Says:

    So glad you’re doing better. I have the same sentiments. Sometimes I think it’s getting easier and then we end up having one of the worst days ever. Bottom line? These babies are boss. 🙂

  6. On November 4th, 2008 at 1:18 pm Kim Says:

    I remember that time too well. Lucas didn’t sleep through the night until 5+ months and it totally drained me. Plus I couldn’t give him anything to eat other than nursing and formula because of a food allergy that runs in our family. I remember thinking what did the foster moms in Guatemala do to get them to sleep through the night so soon. I know it’s hard to imagine right now, but this will get better, and then a new challenge will appear like crawling.

  7. On November 4th, 2008 at 1:20 pm Bobbi Says:

    Oh, that must make for a long evening every night. Glad you are feeling better about her eating. I remember feeling the same way that you felt. When is life going to be “normal” again? I am not being a pessimist here, but I remember it being at about 6 months before I started to feel like I was back in the game. It is about that time that they really settle into a routine and schedule. But, then again, just when I think that Ihave Reese figured out he throws a curve at me!!

    Maybe a Mommy night out might help a bit too. I know, easier said than done, but sometimes it helps refresh us. I know I don’t do it enough!!

  8. On November 4th, 2008 at 3:17 pm carla Says:

    I often think that about mamahood and the net.

    for all (WEBMD in the middle of the night) reasons…

  9. On November 6th, 2008 at 7:20 am Gibb Says:

    Ahhh, survival mode. I remember it all too well. Which is why I adopted the second time around. I told you I didn’t like having an infant and you are starting to see why! Once she can start playing with toys to amuse herself…and especially when she can sit up by herself and play, that is when it gets much easier because you can walk away for a few minutes and take a breather. You have to be within eyesight, but still.

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