Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

First Day of Preschool


Sabrina was up shortly after 6 am.  She was very excited to start her first day of school.  She came downstairs fully dressed in an outfit she chose for herself.  We snuggled in my bed and talked about the coming day.  We packed her lunch and readied her school bag.  A quick breakfast and off we went.

Sabrina bravely walked into her class and greeted her new teacher.  We settled her bag into her cubby and her lunch into the lunch bag spot.  After a quick kiss and goodbye, Tessa and I left her.  She was momentarily startled to realize that we were really going to just leave her there but quickly recovered her excitement.

Why yes, I did cry after I left Sabrina at her preschool.  But I did make it to the privacy of my car first.

I felt that having a minor emotional meltdown in the lobby might put the final shine on my plaque declaring me “that mom“.  I was disappointed with how they handled orientation and some other administrative issues.  I shared that disappointment via a long email to the school yesterday.  Then my husband chimed in.  So yeah, I have to regain some ground before they realize that I am really not “that mom“.  I don’t hover.  I don’t smother.  I don’t think my children are perfect angels.  I don’t expect her (or me) to be coddled or babied.  I just expect a certain level of competence and professionalism.  I figured they might want me to express it to them rather than the community at large.

Anywhooo, back to my emotional meltdown.  I was shiny-eyed as I left but no tears.  I got into the car and started crying the moment I put it into gear.  Tessa was calling in a bewildered tone “Ni-ni, Ni-ni” from the back seat.  I cried as I drove to Target. And I cried as I started wandering through the store – much to the chagrin of the 19 year old stock boy who asked if I was finding everything okay.  Then suddenly, I realized I had been browsing for 10 minutes and hadn’t once had to say “Keep your hands to yourselves”.  I smiled to myself.  Huh…a momma could get used to this shopping with only 1 child thing.

posted under parenting
13 Comments to

“First Day of Preschool”

  1. On August 12th, 2010 at 10:49 am Cass Says:

    I’m going to put it out there right now. I am going to be THAT MOM. I am. I am a little embarrassed about it…but not enough to think I’d be any different. So glad Sabrina had a good start to her first day and you had a leisurely experience with Target…that’s a win!

  2. On August 12th, 2010 at 12:25 pm Megan Says:

    Sabrina looks so beautiful and excited! I handled the first drop off at (pre)preschool the same way. I know I am going to be bearly holding it together for her first day of Kindergarten since I already get teary when I look at the lunch boxes we will need to buy next year. Hubby just shook his head when I told him I lost sleep thinking about that damn lunch box!!

  3. On August 12th, 2010 at 1:17 pm Kim Says:

    Yeah – Alex starts preschool in about 3 weeks. I think it will be a little easier for me since he’s been at daycare since he was 7 months old. But, it’s still school – and he will have a backpack – and a lunchbox – and a new teacher.

    And, I’m already “that mom.” All of my friends have already gotten a call from their kid’s teacher and have their class supply list. I’ve gotten NOTHING and it’s driving me NUTS. So, I called today – they said I should have gotten a call and they don’t know why I haven’t. I’m supposed to give the teacher until Monday or Tuesday and then call the school back. Not sure I can wait until then. 🙂

  4. On August 12th, 2010 at 1:51 pm heather Says:

    Yeah for Sabrina!!!

    And shopping without one of the kids is honestly such a guilty pleasure of mine. Going with just one of them is truly like winning the lottery!

  5. On August 12th, 2010 at 3:08 pm Jamie Says:

    She looks so cute! I know I will sound like “that mom” who knows it all (and Lord knows I don’t), but I think it really is tougher on us than them.

    Yeah and shopping with one child? SO EASY!

  6. On August 12th, 2010 at 4:54 pm debbie Says:

    Ah, I remember that day last year like it was yesterdaym, full of mixed emotions. Wow, your preschool starts really early! Sabrina looks so cute and so grown up!

  7. On August 12th, 2010 at 6:24 pm dana Says:

    So glad to hear Sabrina was a trooper and did not freak that she was in a new place without people she knew. Time alone with Tessa will be good for both of you too. Serena has been in daycare but a few more weeks she’ll be going to pre k in the elementary school in our neighborhood. I know I’ll walk out of there being one of those moms too. It’s the first milestone of many to come. Thanks for sharing that moment.

  8. On August 12th, 2010 at 7:45 pm Bobbi Says:

    As ususal, just as you had me glassy-eyed, you made me chuckle!

    Glad she liked it and had fun. I do find that school has its posititves. I really enjoy my time more, and at times feel as if I can think a little clearer!!

    Love her outfit.

  9. On August 12th, 2010 at 8:05 pm julie p Says:

    I am THAT mom. I send emails to the director and board president (we go to a co-op preschool). I am so excited for you and Sabrina (and Tessa too – I think she’ll eventually enjoy her momma time).
    I so remember Ally’s first day.
    You should be so proud of Sabrina and yourself for the fact that she did not shed tears or cling hysterically to you. WAY TO GO, that is a huge accomplishment. And be prepared for tears on another day, sometimes the “first time” excitement wears off….

  10. On August 14th, 2010 at 3:10 pm Melissa Says:

    LOL! I am a preschool director, but I am also a mom. And guess what – I’m “that mom” too! From a preschool director’s point of view I can honestly say that (for the most part) I truly appreciate “those moms” that send an email when they have a concern or an issue. Don’t get me wrong – there are some parents that I cringe when I see them coming, and roll my eyes when they leave. 🙂 But if a parent has a legitimate concern or suggestion about how things could be improved – I really do want to know. “Those moms” also usually end up being my favorites – they are the ones who really care about their kids, they volunteer to help, ask how their child is doing (and want a truthful answer), etc.

    BTW – Sabrina looks adorable!!

  11. On August 17th, 2010 at 7:12 pm amy2boys Says:

    It is really emotional! I’m not a crier either but those big independent milestones get to me. (She looks SO happy!)

  12. On July 25th, 2019 at 12:50 am Get the facts Says:

    Get the facts

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  13. On July 31st, 2019 at 9:56 pm news Says:


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