Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Caution! Contents may be boring!


I apologize but we are about to embark on a really dull week blog-wise. With Steve out of town, I’m trying to let him see what the girls are up to while he is gone.  This will lead to most of you falling asleep and drooling on your keyboards out of boredom. I am not liable for any damage done by said drool.  Consider this like the coffee cups that say “Caution! Contents may be hot!”  We say to ourselves “duh” then take a sip anyway and  burn our tongues.  Or at a Mexican restaurant when they tell you the plate is very hot and not to touch it but we immediately touch it and hiss as we pull our fingers away and exclaim “son of a bison! that’s hot!”  You’ve been warned.

Sabrina, ever the ham.  She started throwing out poses that made me wonder if she is sneaking downstairs at night to watch America’s Next Top Model.  I was waiting for her to tell me “Tyra said to smile with my eyes.”  I have about 8 more photos with silly poses and faces from her. But this first one is pure gorgeous.

Tessa, of course, did not wish to cooperate.

So Sabrina offered another smile.

On a different note, I was happy to see the flowers bloomed for mother’s day. It is fun watching things come up this spring since most of it was done by the time we moved in last October.

posted under family
3 Comments to

“Caution! Contents may be boring!”

  1. On May 9th, 2011 at 8:32 am Bobbi Says:

    Love the flowers:)

    I believe that second picture of Sabrina is priceless!! OOOOOOHHHHH what the teen years are going to bring!!!

    Not bored at all:) Loved the mother’s day cake……..maybe Steve let Sabrina sneek in to decorate:) I am not at all a cake decorating genius—and that is why I don’t work at a place that decorates cake. But, it all looks the same on our hips—-I mean in our tummies!!!

    I can’t read your move posts. They make me hyperventilate as one day I will have to do this as well. GOOD LUCK!!!!

  2. On May 9th, 2011 at 9:31 am burghbaby Says:

    I can’t wait to see how you manage to survive this week. I know you will, and it’ll be fun to watch.

  3. On May 9th, 2011 at 6:24 pm jane Says:

    Oh we cannot get a natural looking photo at our house at.all. Miss C actually says, “Wait! I hafta’ strike a pose!” Uh. Never mind.
    One day down…