Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Hard wired


Some things must be hard wired into girls. How else would my kindergartener know about the whole “circle yes or no” notes already? I found this in Sabrina’s backpack a couple of weeks ago and cracked up. I have no idea what German item the poll was about but it is clear that Myah and AnnaRyann are firmly in the yes camp while Isaias is voting no.

Sabrina has also declared she has a boyfriend. Jackson is her boyfriend and she is going to marry him. However, the thought of kissing a boy draws a wrinkled nose and look of disgust (phew) from her. The boys are going quick in kindergarten because AnnaRyann is going to marry Bennet.

I find it hilarious and somewhat comforting that no matter how much the world has changed, in both technology and the human experience, kids still circulate notes instructing other to circle yes or no and kindergarteners still declare marriage intentions.

posted under Misc.
7 Comments to

“Hard wired”

  1. On January 18th, 2012 at 10:25 am Jane Says:

    Isn’t that funny??
    You know I’m going to obsess about what German item they’re polling about all day long, right? Ask S if she remembers!

  2. On January 18th, 2012 at 11:08 am Cathy Says:

    i love it! she and charlotte would have been good pals in kindergarten – she spent the entire year with a clipboard taking surveys of her peers’ interests. (she’s never really liked toys or playing the way most kids do.) when i first read the poll subject, i thought it was Spongebob. can’t wait to hear what it actually is!

  3. On January 18th, 2012 at 11:53 am Sonia in MO Says:

    Awww…. that is really cute!!! One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen was my 6 year old making googley eyes at a cute little boy during the school’s fall festival. She still carries his school picture around in her wallet and insists he’s going to marry her.

    I also want to know what the German item is… lol….

  4. On January 18th, 2012 at 11:59 am Ashley Says:

    Didn’t you say recently that she was listening to Springsteen??? (I don’t even know how he spells his name) =) Would love to hear what it is all about!

  5. On January 18th, 2012 at 7:57 pm Bobbi Says:

    Yes, there are some things that don’t change! I was just saying that the other day. Some things just seem to stand the test of time!!

    I wish my 13 year old still squished up her face at the idea of kissing a boy……and I can assure you her father does too.

  6. On January 19th, 2012 at 8:03 am Dana Says:

    Kids are all cut from the same cloth. Serena will come home and tell me who is marrying who and how one girl is mad because no one wants to marry her. Last night on The Middle the daughter tells a boy she loves him. Serena was hysterical laughing to see this. So funny for me to watch her laugh so hard. I love her innocence.

  7. On January 19th, 2012 at 12:33 pm Deanna Says:

    Ahhhhhh! To recall that soft German lilt! Have you been exposing the girls to tactfully worded German tourism books? Only have a sec to comment, Shelby and I are home sick; nothing serious, just annoying.