Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

No picnik


I miss Picnik. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it was a photo editing site. It was free for basic tools and you could pay an annual membership for more advanced tools. I didn’t use it a lot. I usually pulled it out for photos of myself to soften the dark circles I am always sporting under my eyes. I’ve always had them but since having children they are so much worse – probably because I’ve been tired for 5 1/2 years.  I usually don’t do much else to photos other than maybe frame them – any other effects I’ve played with look so obvious so I stick with airbrushing my dark circles. Picnik closed its site in April so I’ve played around with some of the other sites that do similar things. Ipiccy seems the best for the light editing I do. Give it a try if you are looking to fill the hole picnik left. (Instagram filters are also great for making photos a little more flattering.) I’ve realized that I am in almost no photos with my children. Like ever. Partially because I’m usually the one taking the photos. And partially because I cringe when I see photos of myself. So I need to get over it. Or they will look like orphans when they look back at photos. Here is one with my littlest baby today. She has been a little clingy and quiet.


posted under family
2 Comments to

“No picnik”

  1. On May 3rd, 2012 at 5:56 pm Sarah Lena Says:

    You are so pretty. I know we never FEEL like that, but you are. You are glowy!

    (I miss Picnik too. It was my go-to for resizing.)

  2. On May 6th, 2012 at 7:56 pm Brigid Says:

    That’s a great picture! I know just what you mean though, I’m rarely on the flip side of the camera. What annoys me is I am so critical of myself in photos and then a year or two later I think those photos are pretty decent compared to the photos of me now… It’s a never ending cycle. Something else to work on. *grumble, grumble*