Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Don’t go breaking my heart


Sabrina is breaking my heart this week…she is growing up so fast! My baby has only been with me for 3 months and I want to freeze her at this age.  She is doing all sorts of new things this week.  She has started eating table food.  She has started pulling up to stand.  She is bonding more to Daddy, which is a good thing.  She is so busy now playing that she at times doesn’t want to stop and cuddle with Mommy – normally she was perfectly happy to stop any activity if it meant that she would be held by mommy.  I just feel like in a blink of an eye she won’t be my baby anymore.


Daddy’s attempt to get her to stop watching the fish behind them and look at the camera.


Pulling up on Mommy:



posted under adoption, travel
7 Comments to

“Don’t go breaking my heart”

  1. On July 17th, 2007 at 8:09 pm Alleen Says:

    They do grow up fast…. sigh.. My baby is 16 months already!!!!

    She’s giving Gabriella a run for her money in the fashion department! Cute, cute, cute.

  2. On July 17th, 2007 at 8:10 pm tonya Says:

    Look at those teeth! She isnt much of a drooler?

  3. On July 17th, 2007 at 9:01 pm Laura Says:

    Cutest baby ever!!!!! Yes…they grow so fast! Even my four year old notices, I think with her baby brother around — she was all melancholic the other day, saying she wanted to be a baby again!!

  4. On July 18th, 2007 at 4:56 am carla Says:

    those PULLING UP ON MOMMY picture legs.

    I miss THOSE the most!

  5. On July 18th, 2007 at 6:22 am Kelly Says:

    THey do grow up fast. Enjoy every single moment of it (even when youw ant to pull your hair out)!
    Looks like you are all having a great time!!!

  6. On July 18th, 2007 at 11:15 am Lori Says:

    Love the pulling up on Mommy photo – Look at that little booty!! So cute! The legs too!!

  7. On July 18th, 2007 at 8:45 pm Cheryl Says:

    I know what you mean. Alice (9 mo) has been home 2 months now, and while developmentally I want her to pull up and start to crawl and all that, on the other hand I am glad she is still in the baby stage. I think of you so often because we also moved the week before we flew down to get her (across the country!!!). We didn’t have quite the adventures you guys did (uhm, thank goodness!!!). If anyone in your family wants to get you a housewarming gift to counteract the stress of moving, I recommend the following:

    A housecleaner for a thorough post-unpacking cleaning session.
    A week of a nice meal delivery service to store in the freezer. (They can order online and it will be delivered to you in giant styrofoam coolers).
    A massage gift certificate (or mani pedi, or whatever your indulgence is).
