Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Monk Puppy


Have you seen the show on USA ‘Monk’? It’s about an Obsessive Compulsive detective, named Monk. We have an adorable pain in the ass dog. His name is Angus but one of his many nicknames is Monk Puppy. I’ve never met an OCD dog before Angus. He has all of these little habits and rituals that he seems to need to follow. He must walk up and down the stairs on your left side. When playing ball outside, he must circle the tree before giving you the ball to throw again. Before he eats, he wants someone to pat his side and tell him he is a good boy. When playing fetch inside, he must circle Steve’s office chair at least once, preferably twice, before giving you the toy to throw again. When going potty outside, he must find one of his balls and carry it around in his mouth until he finds the perfect spot to go potty. He begs for raw carrots and ice cubes (not OCD but kind of weird). He used to wait until I told him that it was time for all the puppies in all of puppydom (he was the prince of puppydom of course) to go to bed before he would settle down to go to sleep (he has stopped this…but I must admit I kind of miss it). Let’s hope we aren’t bad puppy parents who screwed him up and he was just born a little off.

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