Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Christmas in Ohio


When I moved to PA, we tried to see everyone on Christmas day but decided it was too much.  The weather is unpredictable this time of year and everyone was rushing around – it kind of sucked the joy out of the day. We decided to spend Christmas close to home and celebrate Christmas with my dad and my sister’s family the weekend of New Years.  It has worked out well.  It allows us to spend the day together without having to rush off to another place.  Today was Christmas in Ohio.  We spent the day at my step-mom’s house with my sister, brother in law, and nephew.  It was a nice day – we missed Dad but had a good day.

My nephew is a fair weather fan to many teams.  His favorite NFL team changes monthly but he has become quite an OSU fan this year.


My sister:


Steve & I, a self-portrait (my sister says I never smile in photos – I’m smiling damnit!):


Hope you all had a nice Saturday.

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