Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



8 – the temperature this morning
4 – the number of times I hit my snooze alarm this morning
10 – the number of minutes Steve spent scraping my windows (thank you honey)
23 – the speed at which the person in front of me was driving while I was cursing him
6 – the number of people who stopped on my way into the building to tell me the temperature and complain how cold it is
2 – the number of cups of coffee I had to consume to feel warm again
3 – the number of meetings I have to endure today
7.5 – the number of hours until I can go home and start my weekend
0 –  the number of updates I’ve received from my agency regarding whether or not we were resubmitted to family court last Friday
19 – the number of days until I see Sabrina again

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