Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Meme of five


I got nothing but a used pile of kleenex and a bad attitude this weekend so you get a meme.  It’s been in my drafts for awhile and I don’t remember where it came from originally.

1) What were you doing five years ago?

It was the end of a really ugly time in my life and the beginning of the wonderful life I have now. ‘Nuff said.

2) What are five things on your to-do list for today?

Feed the child, shower self and child, unpack at least one box, go to the grocery store, regain the ability to breath through my nose, stop coughing long enough to sleep for longer than 20 minutes.  Wait.  That is more than 5.

3) What are five snacks you enjoy?

Pita and hummus

Ice cream




4) What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?

Set up an organization to give a chunk of it away – that would by my new job, managing the organization.


Pay off all debt

Give some to family and friends

Find a cure for the common cold – one that pregnant women can take

5) What are five of your bad habits?


Impatience – especially when driving

Not exercising as much as I should

Crankiness when sick

Not keeping the house as clean as I should

6) What are five places you have lived?






7) What are five jobs you have had?

* Worked in an ice cream shop

* County road crew – shoveled 15 tons of gravel a day for $5 an hour (no I’m not bitter)

* Case manager for Big Brothers Big Sisters

* Legal advocate for a domestic violence shelter and drug & alcohol halfway house for women

* Facilitated partial hospitalization program groups for adolescents and toddlers (not at once – they were in different groups)

posted under Misc.
4 Comments to

“Meme of five”

  1. On May 25th, 2008 at 7:52 am goodbyetoallfat Says:

    I just came across your blog from a comment on Miz Fit’s blog. I totally agree with you about the mushy food thing (baby food for adults being a stoopid idea!). Also, the pics of your daughter on the lower blogs are *soooooooooooo* cute!

    Best wishes for your own weight loss journey,
    Sharon (a brand new blogger / dieter)

  2. On May 25th, 2008 at 9:11 am Julie P Says:

    I hope you feel better soon. Colds are the worst. I cannot imagine not being able to take cold medicine. No decongenstant – UGH. I am feeling so sorry for you right now. I hope you get a shower and feel better.

  3. On May 25th, 2008 at 9:19 am Priscilla Says:

    Have you tried a neti pot for the cold? Carla loves hers…might help??

  4. On May 25th, 2008 at 6:57 pm Julie Lussier Says:

    Hey, I hate doing the neti pot but it WORKS wonders. To me it is gross and my hubby has to help me (which is embarassing cuz I am blowing snot out my nose) sorry so graphic but it will make your head a whole new place!!!!!!!! Hate doing it but LOVE LOVE LOVE the results.


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