Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Anyone out there have any real connections?


Most of my readers are fellow adoptive parents.  You all remember that helpless feeling when something happened in Guatemala (or whatever country you adopted from)?  The earthquake near Guatemala City?  The hogar raided?  The birthmoms who were terrorized for giving up their babies?  We were besides ourselves because these babies, our children, were beyond the scope of our arms.  We couldn’t make sure they were safe.  We couldn’t protect them.

Now imagine you are in the process of adopting from Haiti.  Made your heart stop for a second didn’t it?  I’m sure there are millions of heart breaking stories about amazing individuals who need assistance in the aftermath of the earthquakes.  I can’t imagine the need.  But there is a specific situation that has been given a face (figuratively) for me.  My heart is breaking.  Go read about it at That’s Church (formerly PittGirl). The American women running that orphanage need help.  They need a private plane to get them and the babies (who have adoptive parents here waiting for them) out.  Without help, the babies will not survive.  Can you help?

Update: My understanding is now they might be able to physically get the children out, but they need some powerful political strings pulled to grant these children refugee status until their adoptions can be finalized.  Any political strings out there that you can pull?  I can’t bear that red tape is the cause of these children not surviving the aftermath of this earthquake.

Update #2: Members of Congress have become aware of the situation and are working with the White House to find a solution.  @JanePitt said on twitter that CNN was made aware and their crew on the ground in Haiti was checking on the women and children to make sure their immediate needs were met – she also said lots of important people were getting involved.  It seems that social media does have use and value when used for good.  Let’s hope there is a resolution quickly.

And if you are interested, there is a Facebook page for the cause with almost a thousand members.

posted under adoption, political
7 Comments to

“Anyone out there have any real connections?”

  1. On January 13th, 2010 at 8:01 pm Bobbi Says:

    How I wish I did!! Cassie has a girl adopted from Haiti in her class, and her older sister has been home just a few years. She is very upset and worried. Makes it really hit home

  2. On January 14th, 2010 at 8:18 am Burgh Baby Says:

    I love you.

  3. On January 14th, 2010 at 9:16 am Megan Says:

    I don’t have anything but a blog and I am going to post this info on mine right now. I know how if felt not knowing, I cannot even imagine what these parents are feeling.

  4. On January 14th, 2010 at 11:46 am Regina Says:

    DH & I just had this discussion last night–What if this had happened with either of our Guatemala adoptions? It just made me sick. I don’t have any connections, but I will write to anyone that may be able to help. Can you keep us informed and tell us what we need to do?

  5. On January 14th, 2010 at 12:12 pm amy2boys Says:

    I’ve tweeted and Shared her post — I wish I could do more.

    I hope something happens soon.

  6. On January 14th, 2010 at 5:04 pm Ruthie Says:

    Thanks for the update. I just invited every single person on my friends list to join!

  7. On January 17th, 2010 at 1:57 pm Heather Says:

    thank you for sharing this story…i cannot even imagine!

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