Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Good news about BRESMA


That’s Church released a statement from the families of the women running the orphanage in Haiti – one women and the children are safely back in Pittsburgh with the other woman soon to follow.  Thank you to everyone who got involved – even if just through spreading the word and praying.

posted under adoption
2 Comments to

“Good news about BRESMA”

  1. On January 19th, 2010 at 9:31 pm jane Says:

    Just saw the news conference with Ali and the PA Governor. And saw other news segments today about orphans allowed to come to the US to join adoptive families without finishing paperwork. Good news indeed.

  2. On January 20th, 2010 at 10:56 am Mama K Says:

    I saw it on the news last night. They even showed the blog, That’s Church, in the segment. Good news for those kids at least.