Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Happy 2011


Anyone who has been around here for awhile knows that I don’t usually do a warm, fuzzy year in review nor do I declare a bunch of resolutions.  Not that there is anything wrong with those things…I’m just too lazy not one of those folks.  I always find New Years Eve bittersweet and the New Year overwhelming if I get too caught up in review and resolutions.

New Years Day is a day of celebration in our home because it is my husband’s birthday.  So happy birthday to the man who rocks my world and is my rock in this world.  I can’t even express how lucky I am to spend the rest of my life with him as my friend, husband, and partner.  /mushy stuff

Christmas has been packed away into its neat little boxes until next time.  My living room looks like a toy store exploded.  I need to do some major triage in the toy room.  And laundry is piled up a bit.  But I figure I’ll wait to get back into that mundane stuff until Monday.  I still have a weekend left in our little pink holiday cloud with my little family so I’ll just stay there a little while longer.

A few photos of the girls enjoying their Christmas haul.

Sabrina is the girliest girl ever.  She is wearing a princess dress up dress, 4 necklaces, and 4 bracelets while playing with her sparkly Barbie.  (Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Barbie that isn’t dressed like a pole dancer?  Seriously! Dresses cut up to her crotch and f*ck me shoes or a bikini.  And if you want one of the non-white Barbies, your choices shrink even further.  This was the only one that came close to being somewhat covered.  Crazy!)

I continue to have to catch Tessa unaware in order to get photos of her.  Stinker.

posted under family
5 Comments to

“Happy 2011”

  1. On January 1st, 2011 at 4:53 pm Alleen Says:

    Happy Birthday Steve!!

    I think Miss G and Sabrina would get along fabulously with their love of dressing up and accessorizing. I can see it now! I got her the set of all the Princess Barbie style dolls(it has Belle, Cinderella, and she loves them! Much better than the ho-style of most!!


  2. On January 1st, 2011 at 6:39 pm Jane Says:

    What Alleen said. We have 4 (or is it 14?) Princess Barbies and 3 regular Barbies thanks to a December birthday. And is it just me or do the new Barbies have a lot of junk in their trunk? Cara can’t dress them and I have difficulty getting their short skirts and pants over their bountiful hips! Then there’s Ken…who has no anatomy whatsoever. And his tux is a sleeveless jumpsuit with a pink jacket. Hmmm.

  3. On January 3rd, 2011 at 8:54 am Burgh Baby Says:

    Barbie’s new tendency to wear glitter instead of a shirt is killing me. KILLING ME.

  4. On January 3rd, 2011 at 2:46 pm nora Says:

    Oh I searched high and low for a Barbie that was dressed descently and one that ALSO did NOT come with a CHILD. No really. The number of non-white Barbies that I could find that didn’t have a Brittney Spears F me skirt on and a child in tow was shockingly low – like 4. Gah!

    My mother in law, after being asked to NOT get my 4 YO a Barbie got her the Barbie set of mini-Charlie’s Angels dolls. Brillant.

    Happy 2011!

  5. On January 3rd, 2011 at 2:56 pm Jill Says:

    My daughter is 6 and hasn’t liked to have her picture taken since she was about 3. She will hide her face, or better yet, make a funny face, when she sees a camera pointed at her. The only way I can get a decent picture is to threaten to post it on Facebook!