Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

When did this happen?


Do you notice anything in this photo?

It started over the weekend. I had some people over for bunco on Friday night so I had taken away the chairs with the boosters on them. In the morning, as I dragged my hungover self into the kitchen to make breakfast, Tessa immediately started dragging her chair the booster back to the table. Sabrina, on the other hand, was delighted. She hopped up into the chair and declared she didn’t want her booster seat anymore. (It hasn’t had straps in ages – it was just for height.) I was looking at her in her chair today and was struck by what a big girl she is. She is starting to catch up in height even. She wears 5T which is right where the fashion industry says she should be (big in the waist but needs the length).


Sunday night as we were reading bedtime books, she gazed out the window at the older kids still playing in our cul-de-sac. She wanted to know why they were still outside playing when she was headed to bed. I told her that in a couple of years, when she was bigger and older, she would still be outside playing too. She wistfully said “I want to big right now mommy.” I told her that she would be big in the blink of an eye and not to rush it.

This dress seems to especially make her look taller and older to me. (Putting on another dance show for me.)

Modeling her swim suit cover up before her first swimming class:


Despite the fact that I’ve been slapped in the face all week with how big she is getting, the swimming lessons brought home that she is still not as big as she thinks. At swimming lessons, she looked so small compared to the other kids (ages vary but she wasn’t the youngest). They don’t allow parents down at the pool during the lessons but she was the only who came back in tears at the end of the hour. They made her put her head under water. She had gotten water up her nose and it scared her. She really wanted me but I wasn’t right there. I hated that I couldn’t be right there to scoop her up but then I know that is why they don’t allow parents at the pool. Today she is whining that she doesn’t want to go to her lessons if I can’t be right there watching. So even though she wants very badly to be big, she still needs her mommy. Which I kind of love.

posted under family
4 Comments to

“When did this happen?”

  1. On June 21st, 2011 at 1:34 pm Julie P Says:

    Our daughters are growing up so fast. Can you believe kindergarten already? Wow a 5T – that is impressive, we’re still in 3T (and Ally still wears shorts that are as small as 3-6 months). Sabrina looks so happy and healthy. And missing her mommy at swimming – sigh – what a bittersweet feeling as a mom.

  2. On June 21st, 2011 at 3:42 pm heather Says:

    Oh she is much taller than my 4 year old. Without the booster, EJ has to be on her knees to eat comfortably at the table. 🙁 I hate how fast they grow up and I really have been noticing it lately with my kids too. Are they all just in some crazy growth spurt???

  3. On June 21st, 2011 at 9:11 pm Bobbi Says:

    she is getting big! Reese is wearing 2T shorts 🙂

    They always need their mommies, even when they are only an inch shorter than them…….just saying!

  4. On June 22nd, 2011 at 6:24 am Heather Says:

    Oh yes, she has gotten to be such a big girl! It’s amazing how quickly they change. I was looking at pictures of our Phoebe from three years ago and she looks so cute and still little. Now she’s a big 10 year old (4’11” last I measured her in April) and looks like a young lady. But just like Sabrina, sometimes she wants to be held by her Mommy and then I find myself holding my sweet woman-child wondering what happened to my baby. Sniff!