Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

My brain is a mystery


I’m an odd and slightly twisted individual in many ways. And there are many ways my husband would agree I am rather complex. Many of us have taken at least Psychology 101 and realize that the human brain is something of a mystery.  But sometimes it is really quite simple. Don’t like everyone else’s reality? We’ll (we being me and my brain) make our own!
I sleep very heavily and often don’t wake up when my alarm goes off – I reach over and hit snooze without realizing it. Yeah…great when trying to get to work on time. Often my brain will incorporate the sound of my alarm into my dreams. Most days it is some annoying telephone I can’t find or a school bell or an alarm bell of some sort.  Last Monday it was a warning alarm that the office building I was in was bugged (and there are a few ladies who might understand my paranoia considering the events of last Sunday). This morning? I dreamed that it was an alarm that went off to notify us of impending referrals from out agency. Yep…I’m complex like that. Even Freud couldn’t crack that one.

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