Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

I’m going to have serious nightmares


We went to see The Descent tonight. I have never been that uncomfortable while watching a movie. Ever. Back in the day, I loved scary movies. Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw – had a ball watching them with friends and getting freaked out. There was a formula to those movies. You could even crack jokes about taking off your heels before running through the woods with an axe murderer chasing you or not going to investigate that noise in the basement by yourself.

Back to The Descent. Six female friends go spelunking. First let me say, if you are claustrophobic? Don’t go see this movie. I am not claustrophobic but I was extremely tense during the first half of the movie. I would seriously freak out if I was that far underground and in those tight spaces. So I was already wound tight. Then they introduce the creatures. The creatures themselves were a little freaky but they wouldn’t have had much effect if I wasn’t already wound so tight from the situation these ladies found themselves in. Throw in some gore and I was hiding behind my hand for a good portion of the movie.

If you like a scary movie that doesn’t quite follow the ordinary formula, then this might be the one for you. Otherwise, don’t go. It’s not bad – just very disturbing. More disturbing than The Ring in my book.

And when did they start putting so many commercials before movies? I spent $9.00….I shouldn’t have to see 7 commercials before the trailers even begin. By the time the movie started, I was ready to go home.

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