Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Holiday Hangover


I hope you all had a lovely Christmas (or other celebratory kind of day) with your families.  We had a very nice day.  Steve and I spent the morning at home opening our presents from each other.  Then we went to his mom’s.  We had tea, opened gifts, then had a nice dinner and played a board game (80’s trivial pursuit – 2 thumbs up from me). 

So many wonderful gifts!  Just to mention a couple: Steve got me (another!) beautiful surprise jade necklace from Guatemala and a combo coffee & espresso maker; momma got us a great light for over the kitchen sink; my sister in law gave us great baby and adoption themed gifts – a big basket full of Burt’s Bees baby products, a scrapbook and a book to help me get started (I’ve been avoiding the whole life book thing, I’m intimidated by it), and some rocking pottery bowls; and from wonderful my mother in law a Baby Depot gift card which will just about pay for a crib, martini glasses to help me get through the days until I need the crib, luxurious bed sheets to make sure I am comfy on the days I am wallowing in self pity and won’t get out of bed, and a little bit of chocolate because that never hurts. 

Best tangible gift?  The beautiful T’was the Night Before Christmas book Steve gave me on Christmas Eve.  Best gift?  Spending the day with family and being happy – nary a tear was shed.  Thing that sucks?  I am at work today!  However, no one is here and I snuck down to Macy’s – great sales!

Tell me about your best gift from Santa this year.

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