Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Travel update


5 inches of snow and 3 hours of freezing rain – lovely.  It is still doing the freezing rain thing out there – everything is encased in ice.  We are supposed to get another 3-7 inches of snow overnight.  The airport is currently reporting only 15 minute delays for flights going to destinations where it isn’t snowing.  (I’m headed to Houston so thumbs up there.)  So let’s hope that they continue to safely move air traffic out of this city!  I’m planning on leaving a couple of hours earlier than I originally planned (perhaps 1:30am? ugghh – my flight leaves at 6am) so that I can take it really slow on my way to the airport.  It’s about 35 minutes to the airport in good weather.  I’ve made arrangements with my agency for my mom to pick Sabrina up if I miss our flight…sigh, I don’t want to spend a day in the airport instead of with my daughter.  Cross your fingers!

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