Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.



Everyone was asking how Abuela reacted to meeting the fabulous Miss Sabrina in yesterday’s comments. She of course adores her like everyone who meets her! She graciously took the night shift last night since I hadn’t slept in about 40 hours. She fell right into her role as Grandma – comforting and soothing Sabrina.

Last night Sabrina was running a temperature – at times like that it is nice to have a nurse for an Abuela. It broke a few hours later and she seems fine today – just a little cranky. She seems a little cuddlier than our first trip and obviously sleeps less but otherwise her disposition remains pretty laid back. She gets pissed sometimes but mostly is just a calm and happy baby.

After breakfast we spent the morning by the pool. (Abuela is now in love with the Westin cafe con leche and the black beans too.) Here are some photos from last night and this morning.

dsc01466.JPG After her bath.
dsc01481.JPG I think I might like carrots.

dsc01501.JPG Hey, that’s Abuela over there!

dsc01487.JPG Me & Momma

dsc01495.JPG Abuela and me

dsc01517.JPG Maybe I’ll be a Harley chick!


dsc01527.JPG Thanks Uncle Mikey & Aunt Rusty! I like my Harley outfit and Harley bear. Gotta go now – back down to the pool!

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