Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Ho-hum or I can’t imagine why you people keep reading my blog


We had several hours of freezing rain last night so everything is nice and slick here today.  I’m kind of done with winter this year.  Enough with the snow and ice and cold already!

I didn’t completely unpack after our first visit trip so I found some remanents when packing for this last trip.  Steve decided to model the crowns Sig brought for us last time.
dsc01634.JPG I think maybe the FTC ladies looked better in them:


I’m on a middle eastern food kick lately.  I am making Steve take me to a middle eastern restaurant for dinner tonight and I’ve been eating the hummus I made all weekend. I’m a little afraid for my co-workers on Monday.  My hummus is very garlicky and I might knock them all over with garlic pouring from my pores tomorrow morning.

We had dinner with my in-laws last night.  They are board game people (which I adore about them) so we played TriBond.  Basically they game gives you 3 things and you have to say what they have in common. This game makes me a little crazy because my brain doesn’t function that way – at least not quickly.  If I had few minutes to ponder it I might do better.  Examples:
Out * Full * White  – answer?

An average student * A list of Roman numerals * The Earth – the answer?

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