Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Gas keeping you up at night?


I’m tired this morning.  Apparently around 2:30am a gas leak developed right outside our bedroom window.  Two feet to the left and I wouldn’t have been able to get out of my driveway to go to work today (phew…dodged a bullet there).  Between the hours of 2:30 and 7am, the gas company dug a 4 foot by 4 foot hole in our street.  Did I mention that this took place right outside of our bedroom window?  And are you aware that it isn’t a quiet process to dig up a street? I figure this is good prep for the morning birthday fireworks and loud chickenbuses in Antigua.  I actually managed to sleep through a good bit of it – poor Steve did not. 

I appreciate all of the comments on my aquaphobia.  Maybe I am foolish, but I really prefer not to take antibiotics as a preventative (yes, you can say “I told you so” when I inform you I am too sick to blog from Guatemala).  Kelly mentioned something OTC that I could take and I might try that. 

I have a couple of housing options I’m contemplating. Just having some choices has lowered my anxiety level a bit. 

This mommy-in-less-than-a-month thing is starting to feel more real.  I came home to find the baby monitor I ordered waiting for me last night – as well as the No Cry Sleep Solution book so that I can help Sabrina develop some better sleep habits without making her (and me!) cry it out.  Hopefully she and I can negotiate the issue without help of a book but I’m not betting on it so I’m taking it down with me.

I’m trying to decide how many pounds of peanut M&Ms might be required for my new adventure.  I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10…anyone care to guess?  Any other food items you all suggest that I take down?  Something you wish you had taken and can’t find there?  (Carla, I can go several months without beef jerky so I can probably leave that off the list.)

I’m getting excited!

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