Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

The brunch set


We had 2 brunch dates today – yes we double booked.  Miss Sabrina wanted to make sure she was dressed appropriately for the brunch set so she got out her Polo dress (a gift from Aunt Jo-Jo):


At brunch #2, she was quite pleased to find the newest Baby Einstein activity center available for her perusal.  She gave it 2 thumbs up.


I don’t usually post photos without permission but this one is dark enough I figure you can’t really tell who is who that clearly.  Just to give you an idea…this was a portion of the attendees for brunch #2 (thanks for Seegal for insisting on the photo despite my grumbling):


On my way home, 2 young men (maybe 20 years old) passed me on the sidewalk.  The first one looked at his buddy and said “MILF” as I walked by.  I know my feminist ideals should have stopped me in my tracks to inform the young men that objectifying women in that manner is inappropriate and that I would not tolerate it.  Instead, my hot, sweaty, tired, baby-wearing self smiled a little.  Yes, I’m pathetic.

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