Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Social Butterfly


I’ve been a little social butterfly this week.  Now that it isn’t a scorching 105 degrees outside, I feel much more sociable (trust me…no one wants to be around me when it is 105).  I’ve been to 2 mommy groups, 2 mom’s nights out (sans kiddos), and 1 mommy blind date (yes Julie, that is MOMMY blind date hehe).  Is it strange that I am actually a little bit proud of myself?  It is so much easier not to put myself out there but I really don’t want to be a complete hermit.  Since we have no pre-existing friends or family here, I’m afraid 2 years could pass and no one outside of Steve’s office would even know we exist here.  I think we will be staying here so I feel the need to start planting some roots through relationships.

Today, we had a little play date at a park and this evening another mommy group had a mom’s night out at a paint your own pottery place.  It was a fun day.

Now some photos for those friends and family who are far away and don’t have the joy of seeing Sabrina regularly.

She loves the swings.


Waiting for the sugar to kick in after having a bit of ice cream at the park.


Our apartment complex doesn’t have baby swings so Sabrina settled for swinging with daddy.


She is so funny.  Steve will put her down on the tennis court surface to crawl around (all of the dogs use the grass as their toilets so we don’t like to put her in the grass).  She does this funny crawl on the tennis court up on her hands and feet.


She loves leaves, sticks and pine cones.  Seriously, why do we buy this kid toys?


posted under family
3 Comments to

“Social Butterfly”

  1. On September 29th, 2007 at 5:20 am carla Says:

    I love sabrinas outfit!

    I need to hear more about the awkwardness that is (OR IS NOT) the mommy night out.

    Ive skipped those (only because we have lived her for so long that I have mommyfriends just not of toddlers) so far—-but now youve got me thinking of rsvping YES to a meetup.


  2. On September 30th, 2007 at 9:55 am Tam Says:

    Good for you getting out and about! Kevin is the same way with the leaves, etc. It was adorable watching him holding one and turning it over and over in his hands for quite a while…right up until he went to put it in his mouth.

  3. On September 30th, 2007 at 8:32 pm Bobbi Says:

    Getting out is the toughest thing. I really struggle with it! I think it is awesome you are doing it.

    Reese was crawling that way tonight, THEN, he fell on his face.

    That girl is adorable. She is looking like a big girl!

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