Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Photo Tuesday


 I’ve been accused of slacking on the photo posting so here are a few from today.

The theme for the week (maybe the month?) is HOT…so we stayed in again today.  Cynthia came and hung out with us for awhile this afternoon – Sabrina loves seeing a face besides mommy’s and mommy enjoys talking to another grown up so it is a win-win for us that she likes to hang out with us.


Sabrina was working all day on trying to stand without holding on to anything.  She can do it very briefly but doesn’t quite have the balance thing down yet.


Cynthia and I both think she was doing the sign for “more” a couple of times today – not exactly in the right context (when she dropped a toy and wanted it picked up) but meaning that she wanted something so it is a start.


She was crawling around this evening with this pamphlet – she wouldn’t drop it even though it slowed her down.  The pamphlet cracks me up – the title is “Life is too short to clean your own house”.  I couldn’t agree more but no one will do it for free.


posted under family
5 Comments to

“Photo Tuesday”

  1. On August 7th, 2007 at 7:31 pm Kim Says:

    What cuteness! I know what you mean about the heat!! I wanted to take Alex back to the zoo – but there is just no way that we are going in this heat!!

  2. On August 7th, 2007 at 7:40 pm Alleen Says:

    yep, dying here. Someone needs to turn down the thermostat!

    She’s soooo stinking cute. She’ll be standing on her own soon and then cruising and walking are not far behind.

    I finally started teaching some signs to Gabriella. She has her own version of more, but hey, you take what you can get. This morning, she didn’t even smile or do anything when I went to get her up other than sign eat and more. Welllllll, good morning to you too!

  3. On August 7th, 2007 at 8:36 pm Kristi Says:

    I love that smile, she is ridiculously cute Michelle!

  4. On August 8th, 2007 at 7:59 am karen Says:

    Ugh, cleaning. I’ve been doing it since we moved and I’m only working part-time and so far it hasn’t been too bad. The house was clean when we moved in, mind you, so I’ve only been keeping up. The Boy is a super help. When I go back to work? Hiring it done.

  5. On August 8th, 2007 at 12:42 pm Ani Says:

    I’m just catching up on my blog reading… Sabrina’s just TOO cute!

    Regarding the sippy cup dilemma – my 2 year old’s still on the bottle, so no words of wisdom here.. That’s the only way he will drink milk, and I’m not pushing the issue (I know I’ll get some heat for that, but that’s fine).

    Although he LOVES to drink water, it took him a while to figure out the sippy cup deal. We started with the soft spouted ones – by now he’ll use whatever’s available.

    I’d say keep offering the cup to her – keep it reachable and let her play with it. She’ll get it eventually 🙂

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