Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Can’t you feel the joy?


We bought Sabrina’s dragon costume in mid-September.  She has asked every single day since “Today can I be a dragon now mommy?”  And every single day I’ve told her no, not yet.  But yesterday I was finally able to answer “Yes, today you can be a dragon.”  The child promptly lost her mind.  She was so excited she couldn’t stand it. This was at 7:30am…the party wasn’t until 4pm so there were a lot of dragon-less hours to get through first.  But we all managed to survive and finally the time had come.  I decided to leave the fleece bottoms at home because the child would have spontaneously combusted but the top included the much talked about wings and tail.  Tessa dressed up as the neglected second child in Sabrina’s first Halloween “costume” as a cheerleader.  Don’t they look thrilled to be in costume at their first Halloween party of the season?


Five minutes after we arrived, Sabrina quietly said “I’m done now Mommy” and wanted to remove her costume.  I managed to convince her to keep it on for awhile.  Rather than participate in the costume parade, she chose to stay at the picnic table and slowly eat her snacks.

She has been “practicing” her dragon ROAR for weeks.  She liked to practice in the car where she has a captive audience.  She likes to practice in the grocery store where she gets a nice reverberation.  And anytime Mommy or Daddy doesn’t do what she wants or tells her to do something, she ROARs at us.  She has worked up quite a loud ROAR.  At the party, when prompted, she gave a tiny little roar and then clammed up.


Hopefully this practice run will make for a more enthusiastic and confident dragon on Saturday.

Tessa wasn’t sure what was going on but was fascinated watching all of the kids in their costumes.


posted under family
6 Comments to

“Can’t you feel the joy?”

  1. On October 27th, 2009 at 12:47 pm Bobbi Says:

    That’s pretty much what happened here too. Reese has been all about Happy Ween until yesterday. He too had a party, and yup, not so into it. Then, last night he was scared that there were scary ghosts, witches, and monsters in his room. Today NO TALK of Happy Ween………….not holding out much hope for Saturday. That’s ok, he can pass out candy with my Mom!! My younger daughter isn’t into it either. Not really my favorite holiday either. Hope I am not influincing my children:>)

  2. On October 27th, 2009 at 3:09 pm gardenia Says:

    oh isn’t that the way . . . same at my house. someone HAS to HAVE something right now and can’t wait, and then when she gets the treat or the fillin the blank, she get disinterested. part of being a girlie girl — perogative to change her mind! she does look adorable in the dinoaur, as does your little cheerleader. I’m crossing my fingers that my girlie will want to wear her costume this Saturday too. last Halloween she would nto put it on!

  3. On October 27th, 2009 at 5:16 pm Jenny Says:

    I was reading this post and laughing at your (cute) kids when Eliana came over to look.
    She said: who’s that?
    I said: that’s my friend Sabrina. She was born in Guatemala like you.
    E said: Can her meet me?
    I melted a bit and said: sure, you guys can meet some day.
    E said: I like her go in MY school.

    So, there you go, Michelle. A request for you to move to WV, please.

  4. On October 28th, 2009 at 9:27 am debbie Says:

    Yes, I’ll say it again, your kids are stinkin cute. Very cute costumes.
    Have a happy Pumpkin day.

  5. On October 28th, 2009 at 11:20 am amy2boys Says:

    That first pic is hilarious. They both look like WTH?

    Cute costumes.

  6. On October 30th, 2009 at 9:36 pm Stephanie Says:

    HAHAHA!!! That is too funny! The IDEA of such events us WAY more fun than the actual event! They look just adorable.

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