Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Please Stand-by


tv-sign-offSorry for the unintended hiatus.  And I’m only checking in now so that people don’t think I’m trapped under something heavy.  First we had family in town and now I’m sick.  I have strep again (or still?).  Doctor tomorrow.

I have things I want to rant talk about (anyone want to guess which non profit whose name has been in the news regarding Haiti that I might want to rant about?).  I have a project I’m being drawn into which excites and scares me (exciting because it is something I care about…scary because it is something where failure is not an option and my brain cells are pretty scarce these days).  I could share how I turned some of my recipes gluten free for my MIL’s visit…but not sure that is particularly relevant to many of my readers – but I was pretty impressed by how painless it was.  And I should really take some photos of my cute kiddos.  So blogging will resume.  Soonish.

***Remember back in the day when you would get a test pattern instead of infomercials if you turned the TV on in the middle of the night?

posted under Misc.
6 Comments to

“Please Stand-by”

  1. On January 28th, 2010 at 3:03 am jane Says:

    I was wondering where you were! Hope you can get some drugs that work tomorrow.

  2. On January 28th, 2010 at 6:31 am Julie P Says:

    Strep that won’t go away is BAD – good luck with the stronger drugs. Congrats on the gluten-free recipe transformation, what a fabulous daughter in law you are to do that! Yeah I’m ptretty ticked at the not to be named non-profit as well. Hope you feel better – looking forward to hearing about your new project!

  3. On January 28th, 2010 at 6:47 am Heather Says:

    oooh i would love to rant about the same organization, but every time i think about them, i get so upset i can’t even form words, much less a (run-on) sentence (like this one)!

  4. On January 28th, 2010 at 9:46 am debbie Says:

    Hi, Missed you!
    Hope you get to feeling better soon!
    And I don’t watch the news. Who are we talking about and why are they in the news? Rant away. Freedom of speech and all that.
    And a new adventure for you? Can’t wait to hear.
    Again, take care of yourself and get better soon.

  5. On January 28th, 2010 at 10:54 am Burgh Baby Says:

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  6. On January 28th, 2010 at 12:45 pm Marcia Says:

    Feel better!
    Does the non-profit you are referring to begin with a “U”? Just a guess…
    Oh, and feel free to rant. You do it so eloquently.

    Hurry back!

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