Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Ugly: it’s what’s for dinner


p1020241 I haven’t contributed to Mouthwatering Mondays in awhile…and I’m not sure that this dish would qualify as mouthwatering.  It certainly isn’t pretty.  But it was good and had some good for you things in there so I thought I would share.   And it is less of a recipe and more of an idea.

2 cooked chicken breasts, shredded

1/2 cup white, 1/2 cup red quinoa (measurement prior to cooking…cook according to package directions)

1 box frozen, chopped spinach defrosted and excess water squeezed out

1 small bag frozen corn, cooked

Sliced carrots, lightly steamed (not pictured because I forgot them)

Terryaki-ish sauce (I used light soy sauce, honey, garlic, ginger, chicken broth, black pepper, and corn corn starch – cook until thickened)

Throw it all together and you have a pretty nutritious dinner that your children will turn their noses up at if they are anything like mine.  If you aren’t familiar with quinoa, click here or here for more information.


posted under food
2 Comments to

“Ugly: it’s what’s for dinner”

  1. On February 1st, 2010 at 10:28 pm dana Says:

    Sorry Michelle but ick. No, it’s not pretty and it looks gelatinous, if that’s a word. I’m sure it’s good or you wouldn’t have posted it. What does look good is that Sabrina twirling in her new dress. She is such a girlie girl. I also love that picture of Tessa when she couldn’t go out. Not a happy girl but too cute!

  2. On February 1st, 2010 at 10:33 pm rachel Says:

    A lot of my MOST delicious recipes photograph terribly! 😉 I love the color and i have NEVER cooked with quinoa but, I’m dying to try it.
    Maybe your recipe will be the one to try 😉 I have to ask though… what is the 1/2 white before the 1/2 C red quinoa?

    I”m glad to see you diving back in again!

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