Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Kitchen Excess


Okay, okay, I’ll start showing some of the house even though it is all still a work in progress.  I’ve gotten several emails professing great curiosity.  I have to admit to loving my kitchen.  It isn’t the most efficient set up – I would re-arrange things like putting the cooktop in an island to make it more central.  I also wouldn’t choose granite counters – especially black because they always look streaky.  But with all the space I could possible want, I can’t complain.  And after 2 1/2  years of being blocked off from the rest of the house when I’m in the kitchen, I love that it is open to the living room and our office area.  I look forward to having a table in our eat in area so that I can see the girls while I am making breakfast and lunch for them but I haven’t found one that I like and can afford yet.  (Please excuse that I didn’t clean my counters off – keeping it real.)

I blurred the counter in the butler’s pantry because there is some mail and items with our names on it.

So there you have it – a peak into my new kitchen.  It actually isn’t my favorite spot in the house (but it’s close)…I’ll have to take some more photos to share soon.  And yes, I feel like a shameless show-off for those who know it makes me uncomfortable to own such a great house.

And for those who don’t care about houses (seriously – doesn’t everyone love looking at photos of houses? LOL), a rare photo of my children standing still, together, looking toward the camera.

posted under family, House stuff
7 Comments to

“Kitchen Excess”

  1. On December 11th, 2010 at 6:14 pm Julie P Says:

    I am so happy for you that you have your own house with lots of space. You have waited a long time for this – you so deserve it! The kitchen looks fabulous! Maybe Santa wil bring you a breakfast table for Christmas.

  2. On December 12th, 2010 at 6:44 am Heather Says:

    Nice kitchen! The girls are gorgeous! Enjoy!

  3. On December 12th, 2010 at 10:45 am Stacy Says:

    Beautiful! And if you didn’t clean off your counters for that, I’m wondering where the box of Cheddar Bunnies is. Somehow I always have one of those out.

  4. On December 13th, 2010 at 10:07 am Steph Says:

    Looks wonderful!! I love the colors and the floor is fabulous. We also moved this past summer and have been doing some major fixing-up. It takes time to make it exactly your own. Keep the pics coming, I love seeing other people’s houses!

  5. On December 14th, 2010 at 9:36 am Burgh Baby Says:

    That’s exactly why I haven’t posted more photos of our house–I feel like I should wait until it’s done. Which, at the rate we’re going, should be the year 2028.

  6. On December 14th, 2010 at 8:54 pm Bobbi Says:

    Love the pic of them! Precious. Love kids pics in jammies.

    I would never leave the kitchen! Thanks for the house porn:)

  7. On December 14th, 2010 at 10:05 pm Jennifer aka natasha ryker Says:

    Lovely kitchen. I see your reason for a slight criticism. But, ain’t space grand and an large stand alone island you can buy that can be moved, at more of a bar height, will give you a great place to park stuff near the stove or prep stuff or stash a wine fridge under, etc. I got tons of ideas.
    Lovely colors.

    Please, post more pictures. I love to see inside homes. I stalk our local real estate website just to tour area homes and I love House Hunters and House Hunters International…etc.

    I have only really picked out a condo(out of desperation in a marriage that failed) and the house I am -which I made the crazy decision to buy after only looking at that one house after returning from a 6 month hiatus in Guatemala Fostering. LOL. Bought too big, but other than that, I love the house and neighborhood.

    Anyways, post away friend. I have been dying to see your gem after you rented for such a long suffering time. 🙂 I can only imagine how excited you are to plant your garden w/o permission this year.